So if you're here this means you want to know about the American rock band, Paramore (DON'T EV
Suggested/Potential Pages for Inclusion in My Chem Wikia
Open full post to see properly formatted table; comments for suggested/potential pages welcome on this post.
Is anybody even active on this wiki at all whatsoever? If you are, respond i guess? I'm just a lonely killjoy stuck in quarentine :(
MCR Wiki!
I just joined this wiki and I already think it is awesome. It has taught me everything I could ever want to know about MCR. I am also obsessed with MCR. I am a Killjoy and a soldier in The MCRmy.
They know me so well...
My whole family pretty much knows that I am a killjoy and that I'm obsessed with My Chem. For example whenver they hear the words My and Chemical and Romance all in one sentence they immediatly call me down to check it out. And just now that has happened, my dad was flicking through the channels and saw MCR doing a show (but not live because their ex-drummer was still there) so I ran down to watch i and they were just singing Sing (LOL) then right at the end when Gerard went to get a drink before they sang Vampire Money I saw a picture of the one and only Bandit Lee Way! Here's a picture to show you, (sorry it's not that easy to see the picture was facing the other way)
I thought it was so sweet!! Tell me what you think or have you seen it …
Traffic Report: 19 February 2011
Nearly two months into my quest of rejuvenation, we are about three percent through all of the tasks I have set out. We have started adding useful templates and making a singular theme for the site so that we have a continuous tone throughout the wiki. We are also starting to rewrite articles that need sources, citations and images. Despite our conquering of some tasks, we still have quite a long way to go; but don't lose faith! Our determination must match the task at hand!
In two months, I'll have another update for you.
Until then, Daniel Fair × Talk to me 15:40, February 19, 2011 (UTC)