Welcome to the My Chemical Romance Wiki Community Portal! This is a good starting place for all new editors to find out what they can do to help. First of all, if you haven't already done so, create an account! We want to build a vibrant community of MCR fans, and we can't do that with loads of "Wikia Contributors". Second, look at the list below to see what you can do.
For New Users
If you're a new editor and you haven't contributed on a wiki before, you can check out Help Wikia, which will give you a grip of what a wiki is all about and how to use the tools you have. If you've never contributed on the My Chemical Romance Wiki before, read some our guidelines to get to grips with our style of doing stuff and then you're good to go!
General Tasks
Some things you could do if you are looking for general ways to help out follows.
- To follow the changes to this wiki, and to look out for new events and problem edits, use recent changes.
- If you want to discuss anything about an article, you can use the talk pages.
- For more general discussion, use the forum.
- If you need help editing, you could start with Help:Editing or the tutorial on the Central Wikia.
- There are also more help pages in the help category.
For more help please see an administrator or bureaucrat.